Wednesday, August 30, 2006The entry that almost wasn't
Well I almost felt like not typing's 11pm and I am still working on "stuff". Big meeting tomorrow, lots of projects going on and a bit behind today.
I have lots of ideas swirling around my little mind, trying to create monthly residual revenue whether or not I am in Indiana or Aruba. I think I got a good one, just fine tuning it a bit. Nothing revolutionary or new, just smart marketing. Sometimes, no most times, KISS reigns true (Keep It Simple Stupid). I think this new idea does just that....but why keep wetting your appetite when I cannot divulge the idea...yet. Meanwhile, Don LaFontaine probably has one of the most interesting businesses, and his haircut isn't that bad either. posted by Odd Todd - One man, many dreams at
11:01 PM
Friday, August 25, 2006TGIT - Thank God I'm Todd
How many times a day do I sit and think about how much I love being me? At least 10! Yes, my days have ups and downs. Take today for instance, a deal I have been working on for almost 4 months fell through. What a heartbreak. But on Tuesday, I was told by a potential client that they choose Plan B as their marketing agency of record! Logo, letterhead, envelopes, business cards, collateral material, web site, PPC (pay-per-click), email marketing, trade show consulting, you name it, we are doing it!
Yes I am upset about the deal that didn't go through, but excited about my new client. All that to say, I love being me. A business owner who is on a roller coaster ride with ups and downs, starts and stops. But still a business owner. Being in charge of my own destiny on earth isn't always easy, fun or glamorous. Trying to make payroll, keeping your family and personal in balance aren't easy...but I wouldn't give it up, even for a 6 figure paycheck. On a lighter side, check out Someday soon, I will start a business here! posted by Odd Todd - One man, many dreams at
9:11 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006![]() I have been thinking lots about my failed summit on Capitol Peak about 3 weeks ago. My feet are still not healed and I am still bummed out about the whole deal. There were a lot of things that went wrong on this trip. Poor planning and poor execution are two big things that come to mind. Now this was just a 5 day trip, and sure I wasn't happy not to summit, but some people have poor planning and poor execution everyday in their business lives....and that would be a lot harder to live with. I think Plan B does a good job in planning and execution, due in some part to my business coach, CJ McClanahan of ReachMore Strategies. Also by defining what we do and limiting it to four areas helps bring focus to our work and clarity to our clients on what we can and cannot do. If your living your busines life with poor planning and/or execution, go to CJ will get you on track. And for Capitol Peak, watch out, I learned from my mistakes and I coming back for you...and I will summit. posted by Odd Todd - One man, many dreams at
12:17 AM
Monday, August 14, 2006Another Day In Paradise
I think one of the most under-valued resources we have are Mom's. After being a "single-father" for the last 5 days, I am re-thinking about giving my wife a salary with bonuses bases on things like, our childrens grades, how clean the house is and how good dinner is.
On a side note, I am meeting with a potential client this week on a great project we hope and expect to get. It will be a great web site with some other marketing pieces involved...right up our alley. I will let you know what happens. My feet are almost healed from my failed summit attempt on Capitol Peak. I am going to start training harder and more intensly for a 28 mile snow hike in Colorado this winter...and then Isle Royal with the kids in June. posted by Odd Todd - One man, many dreams at
6:31 PM
Friday, August 11, 2006
How much crap I have taken for being a "web" compnay with no web site ove since Sept 05?? Lots. Well, no more. The launch of my new site is up and although not complete, about 80%, it is still something. I will continue to work on it over the next couple weeks fine tuning it, but here it is world.
Other items of interest include my recent atempt to asscent Capitol Peak last week in Colorado. Wow, could I tell some stories about that. My wife is in Florida this week, so I am juggling work, house duites and dad duties with the 3 kiddies. The business is going well, growing steadily each month. We have picked up some great new clients that will give us lots of credibilty, make sure you check out our portfolios to see if you can find them, they will jump out! posted by Odd Todd - One man, many dreams at
10:31 AM
AboutHow wonderful it is to live without worldly rules. Come inside and take a peak. About Me
Favorite quotes: A friend will help you move, a good friend will help you move a body. LinksPrevious