Tuesday, October 20, 200916 things I don't get....the short list:
Here is a random list of 16 things I don't get. If you have any thoughts, please let me know.
1) Politicians - Are they all self-serving? 2) Liberal Politicians - Do they really think that way?? 3) Women - Maybe I need a manual. 4) Liberal Women Politicians - no comment 5) Olympia Snow - just put a "D" next to your name and get it overwith 6) Chevrolet - really, you let Obama push you around. 7) AIG & Lehman Brothers - where did all the money go? 8) People who build bubbles - WTF? 9) Women who had sex with David Letterman - yuck. 10) Women who look like men...and like it - double yuck. 11) People who pierce their face, tongue or lip - ouch. 12) Why can't I just pay for ESPN? - Isn't it the 21st century? 13) How does Twitter make money? Or have the money to exist? 14) Why can ships dump their trash (and poop) in the ocean? 15) Businesses who still by TV advertising - seriously, have you heard of Tivo? 16) People who have reptiles as pets - How can you love a snake? posted by Odd Todd - One man, many dreams at
8:17 PM
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