Friday, August 11, 2006
How much crap I have taken for being a "web" compnay with no web site ove since Sept 05?? Lots. Well, no more. The launch of my new site is up and although not complete, about 80%, it is still something. I will continue to work on it over the next couple weeks fine tuning it, but here it is world.
Other items of interest include my recent atempt to asscent Capitol Peak last week in Colorado. Wow, could I tell some stories about that. My wife is in Florida this week, so I am juggling work, house duites and dad duties with the 3 kiddies. The business is going well, growing steadily each month. We have picked up some great new clients that will give us lots of credibilty, make sure you check out our portfolios to see if you can find them, they will jump out! posted by Odd Todd - One man, many dreams at
10:31 AM
AboutHow wonderful it is to live without worldly rules. Come inside and take a peak. About Me
Favorite quotes: A friend will help you move, a good friend will help you move a body. Previous |