Friday, April 10, 2009Ho Hum, They have control of our Power Grids....
So while not watching TV yesterday, I picked up the Indy Star and began to read. Page 1 was filled with the typical BIG news stories, the main article of world importance this day was about roller coasters and the theme parks in Indiana.....yep, I am serious.
Hmmm, oh well I thought, and kept cruising through the "A'" section to see if anything else this "jolting" was happening anywhere else in the world, when I came across an small article on in the crease of A7. Now in the crease for real because the fold of the paper actually made the news article impossible to read. As luck would have it, my OCD kicked in and I began to straighten out the paper so I could read the article. When I went to reproduce the article here for you to read, the Indy Star DOESN'T have the article in it's archives....and this was from yesterday? So then I went to the Internet and found a couple articles on the whole thing....mostly saying, yes, it has been hacked. a mindless - free flowing rant follows: All that to say this point. WAKE UP PEOPLE. We are literally being put to sleep each day by our jobs, the media and television. We need to see what is really going on with our lives and the lives of others around us. If we don't act now, we might not have the power to watch our nice TV's. The funny thing is, the article goes on to say that basically, we have been hacked, but nothing has been messed with. OF COURSE NOT! We are being lulled to sleep by our TV, our computers and ipods. The best thing they can do is allow us to keep them on and not worry about their little attempts to bring us into the stone age with them. posted by Odd Todd - One man, many dreams at
11:17 AM
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