Monday, February 25, 2008It's the end of the world as we know it....
(as taken from
The good news: This won't happen for another 7.6 billion years. The bad news: Life on Earth will end long before then. In fact, we've only got a billion years left before the slowly expanding sun boils off the oceans and reduces our planet to an uninhabitable cinder, says Smith. That may sound like a long time, but in fact life on Earth's been around a lot longer than that — a total of 3.7 billion years, according to the latest estimates. For those first three billion years, true, we were nothing but pond scum. Still, the new figures indicate the long story of life on our fair blue-green planet may be entering its last act. Is there any way our future descendants can save themselves? Why, yes, explains Smith. He cites a recent study emanating from the University of California, Santa Cruz. It proposes taming an asteroid to swing by the Earth every few thousand years, slowly nudging the Earth into higher solar orbit, enough to outpace the sun's own outward growth. "This sounds like science fiction," says Smith. "But it seems that the energy requirements are just about possible and the technology could be developed over the next few centuries." Todd's take: First off, I am sorry, but I refuse to believe that we came from "pond scum". I find it hard in today's age that smart people think that something (humans) can come from nothing (what they say earth was). Show me that anyone has made something from nothing, they haven't, you can't...period. Secondly, if it sounds like science fiction Mr. Smith, it is because it IS science fiction. Go back to your Star Trek reruns and let us "normal" people get on with their meaningless existence :-) Labels: Death, End of the World, Science Fiction posted by Odd Todd - One man, many dreams at
4:49 PM
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