Sunday, July 01, 2007Another Sunday in the books....My wife turned 40 a month ago. For weeks leading up to the "funeral party" she totally thought I was blowing off her birthday, to the point where I think she questioned whether I really cared.....ha. With 40 friends and relatives dressed in black, Vicki was successful surprised and walked in to her party to the guests singing Amazing Grace. This picture is priceless. Maggie learned what solemn was about 2 days early, and I told her to touch the picture and act that way..beautiful pic! Thoughts at random. I am swamped at MediaSauce, work work work. I am the old man there...unbelievable. Curt, I haven't forgotten you. My daughter is playing summer travel softball, I should get her July schedule shortly. Dan the man, I have been to Bremen 1 time in the last 7 months....What are you doing for the 4th? Want to come watch the fireworks in Bremen with us? 703rd MI BN, 732nd MI Brigade - comment on my posts....let me know where you are at. I have found Mitchum, Reynolds, Staker, Hirst and Hooch (Steve Holmes)....looking for Gemmill, St. Clair and others. Try to write more soon...have a great 4th of July everyone....remember, freedom isn't free, thank a soldier or military veteran this holiday season. posted by Odd Todd - One man, many dreams at
10:50 PM
AboutHow wonderful it is to live without worldly rules. Come inside and take a peak. About Me
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